From 27 to 30 May 2017, the second Dialogue Workshop of the KNC on the subject of minority rights and minority protection took place in Istanbul. In addition to representatives of the Kurdish National Council in Syria, participants with a Druze, Assyrian, Turkmen, Jesidic and Ismaelite background were present.
As experts, Prof. Dr. Eva Maria Belser, Professor of Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Freiburg (Switzerland), and Dr. Sören Keil, political scientist with a focus on international relations at Canterbury Christchurch University (UK), led the discussions. The aim of the workshop was to develop common principles which, from the point of view of the various minority groups, should be incorporated into the constitution of a future democratic Syria.
The participants in the Dialogue Workshop:
Abdul Ahad Stefo, Abdulbasit Hamou, Ayham Saqr, Bassam Ishak, Kamiran Haj Abdo, Yahya Alaridi, Wael Aleji, Hafez Karkout, Hawas Egid Sadoun, Issa Hanna, Jaber Alshufi, Mesgin Josef, Kamiran Hajo, Gabriel Moushe Kourie, Mohammad Alshamali, Mustafa Abdulrahman, Najib Abu Fakher, Siamend Hajo, Ziya Türkmen